InFireX/IFX Joined on 2019-12-22 About: I mostly play bullet hell shmups. Started playing them seriously in 2011. Little to no information regarding 1cc's and scores before 2015 because I didn't record and/or document stuff back then. Clears: 9 Total score: 18,079,857,626,212 9 entries   on 9 scoreboards.
User Summary |
User Submissions |
User Replays
Crimzon Clover Arcade - Original ★ Type I 1,313,893,317,050 8/21 Arcade - Unlimited ★ Type I 5,118,946,897,410 5/8 Danmaku Unlimited 2 Burst - Extreme ★ Default 11,646,593,275,979 1/2 Hitogata Happa Normal - Allemande ★ Default 220,471,900 2/3 Ikaruga Normal ★ Ikaruga 20,944,970 11/23 Kamui Hard ★ Default 31,026,740 2/4 Mushihimesama Maniac ★ Default 59,685,075 33/44 RefleX Normal ★ ALFI-PH2RX Phoenix02 11,815,338 2/6
Mushihimesama - Maniac Default59,685,075 2019-12-22 Hitogata Happa - Normal - Allemande Default220,471,900 2019-12-22 Danmaku Unlimit... - Burst - Extreme Default11,646,593,275,979 2019-12-22 Crimzon Clover - Arcade - Original Type I1,313,893,317,050 2019-12-22 Kamui - Hard Default31,026,740 2019-12-22 RefleX - Normal ALFI-PH2RX Phoenix0211,815,338 2019-12-22 Crimzon Clover - Arcade - Unlimited Type I5,118,946,897,410 2019-12-22 Ikaruga - Normal Ikaruga20,944,970 2019-12-22
Gundemonium Rec... - Demonic Eryth*3rd party replay submission 80,191,750 [vid ] Mushihimesama - Maniac Default59,685,075 [vid ] Hitogata Happa - Normal - Allemande Default220,471,900 [vid ] Danmaku Unlimit... - Burst - Extreme Default11,646,593,275,979 [vid ] Crimzon Clover - Arcade - Original Type I1,313,893,317,050 [vid ] Kamui - Hard Default31,026,740 [vid ] RefleX - Normal ALFI-PH2RX Phoenix0211,815,338 [vid ] Crimzon Clover - Arcade - Unlimited Type I5,118,946,897,410 [vid ] Ikaruga - Normal Ikaruga20,944,970 [vid ]